

Harbor - Discography (199?)

    Truth be told, I don't know much about Harbor. Information about this band is extremely scarce ATM and I think I am the first person to transfer the 7" and put it online. Anyways, Harbor was a space-rock band from somewhere in California (I assume) in the mid 90s. Marc from Indian Summer helps out on the second track. This record sounds like a great Calm/ Duster esque project, so I would recommend it to fans of those bands. Wish they had a larger output. Enjoy. 

    Edit: from Justin Lewis

    I saw on your blog that you were looking for info so here you go. John and Jimmy met through skateboarding and the West Bay Area music scene. Both were fans of Mohinder, Calm, Duster, Her Space Holiday and related projects so having Marc Bianchi record this was a plus. I remember talking to John about the recording experience and he said it was rad to watch Marc create his 'additional parts' which John said he would add to his own 'bag of tricks' moving forward. If my memory is correct they only played a handful of shows because John was down in Santa Cruz and Jimmy was up in SF for most of this time period. There are some additional tracks shared by Mark over at Muddguts who is also from our same area. John went on to record a large output of home solo recordings afterwards while living outside of Vegas (farmhandfilms channel has some of it within his videos). He passed some years back. RIP John. See ya on the other side. Cheers!



The Five Year Plan! - Discography (2003-2004)

    The Five Year Plan! was a screamo band from St.Johns, Newfoundland. They existed from October 2003 to August 2004. They released a 13 track cassette, and 4 songs on a split 7" with Greta Garbo.

    I don't know much about this band but I really enjoy the split with Greta Garbo. I found that 7" along with a bunch of other insane finds at Audiopile in Vancouver.

    They sound like CombatWoundedVeteran with keys. Go Canada.

Check it out.


Greta Garbo Split 7"

Greta Garbo Split 7" (2004)

Shroomunion / Driftwood - Discography (1993-1995)

    Shroomunion was a hardcore band from Canoga Park, California. Shroomunion was one of the darkest and most twisted hardcore-emo bands of the 90s, in short, they sounded like a bad acid trip. Dual male/female vocals screech, yell and claw around the dismal tone that the guitarist creates. The lyrics are usually focused on pain, depression, dire political issues and societal pressures. I've heard of listeners getting nightmares, chills and goosebumps from listening to this band; they really have the weirdest sound. The band also released a 7" and a compilation song under the name Driftwood, I am unsure why they used a different name as the band had the same members and an Identical sound. Three of the members also released a track on the "Use This Coupon" 12" compilation under the name Nuclear Winter.

    The 7"s came out on two of my favourite labels ever, Repercussion Records and Inchworm. Records. When you read the labels on the records themselves you have to read them while spinning the platter; this creates a weird optical illusion after you have finished. I also love the 15 or so inserts that come with the records, very political, very cool. 

    This band was a project of Mark Rodgers (R.I.P), who was also in Ribbon Fix, Perilisium Cantos and Driftwood. 

    From the old inchworm. Myspace: "IW016 Shroomunion - Discography CD (featuring everything they ever recorded on CD for the first time - 21 tracks total including 3 previously unreleased)". Hopefully one day these 3 tracks will surface.

Check it out.

10" and the 2 7"s

Eucalyptus Compilation 2x7"

We've Lost Beauty Compilation 12" (same song)

Driftwood 7"

In Memory Of Jason Comp 12"

Nuclear Winter Track

Inchworm 7" (1995)

ADV-M9 Loves AVD-M10 (Monopoly 1994)

Fairytales And Dreams 7" (Repercussion 1993)

Eucalyptus Compilation 2x7" 1995 (Tree Records)

We've Lost Beauty Compilation 12" 1995 (File 13)

Driftwood ST 7" 1993 (Monopoly)

In Memory Of Jason 12" Compilation 1996