
Atticus (Edmonton) - Discography (1997)


    Atticus was a emo-hardcore band from Edmonton Alberta, they where probably kicking from 97'-98'. I only learned about Atticus a little while ago when Trevor the guitarist hit me up on instagram and asked if I was apart of the old scene in Calgary. I'm only 21 at this point so its safe to say I wasn't... But I was pretty ecstatic to discover that there was a fairly large D.I.Y hardcore scene in Calgary/Alberta from 95'-98'. Atticus lead me down a rabbit hole and I can't wait to showcase some more of this Alberta stuff, its really incredible.

    Atticus really tried everything, although they only have one "properly" recorded song; the demo tape and live show really showcase the breadth of their experimentation. There is obvious influences from bands across the board like The Promise Ring, Uranus and Maximillian Colby.


The Corta Vita - Non, Je Suis Mort!/Discography (2001-2005/2022)

(The Corta Vita playing at local Calgary bar The Ship & Anchor)

    The Corta Vita was a hardcore band from Calgary, Alberta. They sounded similar to Ten Grand and had some great influences from across the board. There is an endless energy to their songs that really gets your blood pumping. I was so surprised, way back when, to have found a "screamo" band that is this good and also from my hometown. Their CDEP "Communication Means Nothing Without Feedback" is a completely classic Calgary punk release that still stands up to this day.

TCV Discography

    Also, recently I have stumbled across a wealth on information regarding the Hardcore scene in Calgary in the mid 90s. I'll be making some extensive posts about the bands when I have collected as much information and music as possible!

Check out these great resources:


Calgary Cassette Archive

90s All Ages Calgary Punk & Hardcore

    I had the pleasure of working with Tyson to put out the new discography cassette! The Corta Vita might just be my favourite Calgary band! Thanks to Maya and Brett (thisendlessbreath) for helping out as well. 

Big no thanks to scam label Semi-Collective for doing nothing to help with this release aside from advertising and distributing 15 tapes that I gave them as a freebie. (which they are now flipping on discogs for 50$) ((In retrospect I should have just released this under the CanadianWasteland name))

Non Je Suis Mort! 2022 (Semi Collective)

Communication Is Nothing Without Feedback CDEP 2001 (Farway)