
Atticus (Edmonton) - Discography (1997)


    Atticus was a emo-hardcore band from Edmonton Alberta, they where probably kicking from 97'-98'. I only learned about Atticus a little while ago when Trevor the guitarist hit me up on instagram and asked if I was apart of the old scene in Calgary. I'm only 21 at this point so its safe to say I wasn't... But I was pretty ecstatic to discover that there was a fairly large D.I.Y hardcore scene in Calgary/Alberta from 95'-98'. Atticus lead me down a rabbit hole and I can't wait to showcase some more of this Alberta stuff, its really incredible.

    Atticus really tried everything, although they only have one "properly" recorded song; the demo tape and live show really showcase the breadth of their experimentation. There is obvious influences from bands across the board like The Promise Ring, Uranus and Maximillian Colby.

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