
The Great Redneck Hope - Discography (2000-2007)

    The Great Redneck Hope was a mathcore/grindcore band from Colorado Springs who formed in 2000 as a three piece and played a few shows before adding a fourth member on bass. Their discography includes two 12"/CD albums, a 10"/CD, a 7", a demo CDr and a split 7" with Bleeding Kansas. 

    The Great Redneck Hope played an incredibly spazzy and chaotic but mathy and complex style of grindcore/screamo. Their sound is very much a product of the 2000s and they could easily be compared to bands like The Sawtooth Grin or Oktober Skyline to name a few. That being said, they stand out as having some of the most shrill, ear piercing vocals I've ever heard and impressively complicated yet heavy instrumentals creating a sort of order to the chaos within their sound. 

    They are known for having ridiculously long and humorous song titles, also something that was big in the 2000s, but some of their titles stand out as favourites. Some of the highlights include "They Say The People Elect The Government They Deserve, But I Don't Remember Knife-Raping Any Retarded Nuns", "You're Not A Man 'Till You've Been With A Man" and "Girl, Are You Down With Bacteria? And If So, Would You Like To See The Inside Of Our Van?". Just ridiculous edgy shit that solidifies the fact they did not take themselves too seriously. 

Their songs are the kind that you notice more and more details with each listen, giving you a real appreciation for how much effort and little details the band put into their music. Something about the super spazzy and chaotic hardcore of this era has a special place in my heart, and The Great Redneck Hope is quite possibly one of the best of their time. 

    Note: Unfortunately I don't own any of their releases so don't have any high quality scans, the images below were sourced from Discogs. 



'Splosion CD/Cassette/10" 2003 (Too Bad You're Beautiful Recordings, Thinker Thought Records, Coercion Cassettes)

Why Humans Think Computers Can't 7" 2002 (Soulless Lemming Records)

Cross The Line Demo CDr 2002 (Self released)

Behold The Fuck Thunder CD/12" 2004 (Thinker Thought Records, Waving Wheat Records)

The Great Redneck Hope / Bleeding Kansas split 7" 2004 (Friends Forever Records, DOOD Records, Lots Of Love Records)

Live + Cross The Line 12" 2020 (Wax Vessel)

Soulless Lemming Vol 2 compilation 7" 2002 (Soulless Lemming Records)