
Harriet The Spy - Discography (1993-1998)

    Harriet The Spy was a hardcore band from Kent, Ohio. As aptly put in the bands last.fm bio, Harriet The Spy skated on thin ice between brilliance and obnoxious idiocy. The band was a powerhouse of hardcore sensibilities intertwined with noise and art-rock leanings; with a healthy dose of sassy, sardonic and spastic energy to polish off their unique sound. Harriet The Spy's sound was a cacophony of elements that honestly shouldn't work together but yet, they somehow did, perfectly. 

    Pounding, insanely fast (and downright impressive) drum licks manage to tie together a dual attack of noodly, time signature bending guitars and off the rails bass lines while the vocalists wail and moan in a manner that is more of the "use your voice as an instrument" style than anything cohesive. For all intents and purposes this band should sound like a muddy mess, but yet they managed to consistently put out catchy and unique tunes that stick with you for a long time. I can always listen to their LP "Unfuckwithable" at any time of the day no matter what mood I am in, just because it is legitimately that good. 

    It seemed like Harriet The Spy got around; I see tons of handbills and flyers with them playing the most incredible lineups and of course they have splits with other great bands like Grain, Thumbnail, Three Studies For A Crucifixion and The Party Of Helicopters. 

(There are reports of multiple HTS demos floating around, but none have been digitized yet. If I manage to find any of these I will update this post in the future)

Harriet The Spy has a ton of releases. For the sake of time and also not bloating this post, i'll just include a few pics of some of Harriet The Spy's main releases. If you want to check out all the pictures for their material, head over to their discogs page.

Unfuckwithable 1997 (Troubleman)

God Gave Us Music And The Courage To Sing 10" 1994 (Double Agent Records)

Harriet The Spy / Thumbnail Split 12" 1996 (File 13)

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