
The Skies Beg To Differ - Demo (1996)

    The Skies Beg To Differ was a post-hardcore band from Ottawa, Ontario who were active from 1994-1996. They were initially known as Insanity Starts At Lake Eerie but changed their name when they finalized their lineup. Their discography consists of just one cassette demo released in 1996 before they disbanded. 

    The Skies Beg To Differ takes the spoken word element of Indian Summer, Current and Native Nod to a whole new level, opting for a vocal style that is more along the lines of poetry than singing. Mixed in here and there with the spoken ramblings are some noisy, yelled vocals backed up by angular, math rock influenced instrumentals. Sometimes too much speaking in a song makes it difficult to listen to but The Skies Beg To Differ really makes it work. The bands left-field instrumentals and spoken vocals also sound very reminiscent of Slint but with a touch more of an "emocore" influence. 

    It seems not many people know of this band which is a shame because they're really interesting and were really doing their own thing in the scene back then. There is some clear influences in their music for sure but they struck me as unique as soon as I listened to them. Their songs seem to be telling a story that you can't seem to turn away from.

S/T Cassette 1996 (Not on label)

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