
Patterns Make Sunrise - Discography (1993-1995)

    Patterns Make Sunrise was a indie rock/emo band from Seattle, Washington that was active sometime between 1993 and 1995. The band featured members of Christopher Robin and Behead The Prophet, but remarkably sounded nothing like these bands. Their sole 7" was self released but distributed by K records, which makes sense as it would fit in perfectly on their roster, while being notably more "emo" influenced than most K records bands. Patterns Make Sunrise could be compared to other Olympia bands like Lync or Unwound, while being on the softer, more poetic and introspective side.
    A bit more context from the bands Last.FM page: "During their 3rd practice Kelly came downstairs to the basement and asked if he could play guitar. History was in the making. Shortly after learning of the project underway, Avalon asked if he could sing for the group. Patterns Make Sunrise was born.

    At the time Avalon was putting out a zine called Idle Wheel made of angular/post-industrial/futuristic/existential poetry. His poetry was made lyrical over the band. The sentiments going on in Patterns Make Sunrise that were articulated by Avalon through osmosis of the band's music were counter-cultural messages of disdain for the American way; sad and bleak childhood memories of loneliness and consumer culture. Outsiders emotions bottled up ready to make a big noise expressing the frustrations and guilt of living in America, a stolen land. There is a catchy pop element to some of Patterns Make Sunrise's music, but only brief statements of it break through the clouds of the Pacific Northwest climate and rainy grey that pervades the location of where this music was born. At times the music swells to a sonic, cacophonous helicopter of rhythm, melody, exuberance and pain only to return to.. Patterns.

    Patterns Make Sunrise toured the U.S., I believe in 1994, where they played basements, houses, coffee shops and occasionally and official all-ages venue. Thank you to all who put us up in their houses and put on the shows."

ST 7" 1995 (Self-released)

Demo 1994?

Live Tape 1995

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